gabbie File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
calendar.cImplementations of the Calendar class
calendar.h [code]Calendar class
chartparser.cClass ChartParser. A Natural Language chart parser
chartparser.h [code]Chart Parser class
data.cClass Data, general purpose data as a list of attribute-value pairs
data.h [code]List of semantic Data
dictionary.h [code]Declarations for class Dictionary, which contains known words
gabbie.cMain line for the Gabbie interactive natural language system
gabbie.h [code]Global constants and parameters for the Gabbie system
gramrule.h [code]GramRule (Grammar Rule) class
hash.h [code]Hash table implementation
id.cImplementation of class I, and type Id, for unique identifiers
id.h [code]Declarations for class I, which implements unique Id's for strings
kbase.cImplementations of Gabbie Knowledge Base
kbase.h [code]Knowledge Base functionality
ondisk.cOnDisk class for storing data on disk
ondisk.h [code]OnDisk class for storing data on disk
palm.cRead Palm desktop (for pc) files: address, datebook,memopad,todo
palm.h [code]Read Palm Desktop (for PC) files: address,datebook,memopad,todo
time.cClasses and functions dealing with the semantics of time
time.h [code]Classes and functions dealing with the semantics of time
trace.cImplementation of tracing functionality
trace.h [code]Declarations for tracing
tv.cRead TV Listing xml file from grabtv and build tv_data.gab database
tv.h [code]Read TV Listing xml file from grabtv and build database
ui.h [code]
util.cImplementations of various utility functions
util.h [code]Various utility functions

Generated on Sun Oct 8 09:32:09 2006 for gabbie by  doxygen 1.4.6